Case Study: Tulane University
In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Tulane restructured and re-branded its University College into Tulane School of Continuing Studies. The school’s New Orleans Centre satellite campus has closed, but its Uptown, Elmwood and Biloxi campuses have re-opened under the School of Continuing Studies banner.
The challenge now is to transition the brand equity of “University College” to the new “School of Studies.” Fortunately, at Rupp Marketing we love a challenge.
We capitalized on the Tulane University brand, the positive rebuilding efforts of the administration, and the more-practical-than-ever nature of the School of Continuing Studies’ part-time degree options. Basically, we turned lemons into lemonade.

School of Continuing Studies Enrollment
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Hurricane Katrina all but eliminates admissions for Fall 2005 semester.
Tulane’s “University College” is restructured into the School of Continuing Studies along with several other Schools and Departments.
Intense marketing efforts by Rupp Marketing bring enrollment up quickly.
A targeted campaign focusing on the Gulf Coast campus shines light on Tulane’s presence “right here” in Biloxi. Enrollment continues to climb steadily toward pre-Katrina numbers.
With the addition of a fourth campus in Madison, MS, marketing outreach combines print, direct mail and online ads. Enrollment sees new highs.